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group outline

  • 1 group outline

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > group outline

  • 2 group outline

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > group outline

  • 3 outline

    outline attr. контурный; an outline map контурная карта character outline контур знака group outline общий план деятельности группы компаний in outline в общих чертах in outline контурный (о рисунке) outline делать набросок outline конспект outline контур outline набросок; эскиз; очерк outline набросок outline намечать в общих чертах outline нарисовать контур outline обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах; сделать набросок outline обрисовывать outline основной принцип outline основы, основные принципы outline pl основы; основные принципы outline оттенять outline очертание, контур outline (часто pl) очертание; контур; абрис outline очертание outline план outline резюме outline схема, план, конспект outline схема outline элемент блок-схемы outline эскиз outline attr. контурный; an outline map контурная карта

    English-Russian short dictionary > outline

  • 4 group

    (2. Gp)
    1. n ком., марк. група; угруповання; клас; організація; колектив; a груповий; колективний; 2. ком., юр. група; концерн; об'єднання компаній; організація
    1. об'єднана за певними ознаками і властивостями сукупність предметів, осіб тощо; 2. група акціонерних товариств, зокрема холдингова компанія (holding company) разом з дочірніми компаніями (subsidiary)
    ad hoc group спеціальна група; administration group адміністративна група; advisory group консультативна група • група консультантів; age group вікова група; allied trade споріднена торговельна група; business group група підприємців; business contact group група ділових зв'язків; buyers' group група покупців; campaign group група, яка організує кампанію; citizen's action group діюча громадська група; commodity group група товарів • товарна група; community group громадська група • група місцевої громадськості; comparable group порівняльна група • схожа група • подібна група; competing group конкуруюча група; consumer group група споживачів; consumer boycott group група споживачів, які беруть участь у бойкоті; consumer interest group група захисту інтересів споживачів; consumer protection group група захисту інтересів споживачів; consumer satisfaction group група вивчення задоволеності споживачів; control group контрольна група; current business group функціонуюча ділова група; customer group група клієнтів • група замовників; demographic group демографічна група; design group група проектувальників; development group група розвитку фірми • група розвитку; discussion group колоквіум • семінар; economic group економічна група • господарська група; economic-and-social group соціально-економічна група; encounter group групова зустріч для обговорення спільних проблем • зустріч для вільного і відвертого обміну думками у вузькому колі • групи за інтересами • групова психотерапія; environmental group група захисників навколишнього середовища; ethnic group етнічна група; examining group група експертів • група експертизи; experimental group експериментальна група; focus group група для тематичного опитування • фокус-група; forecasting group група прогнозування; formal group формальна група • формальний колектив; homogeneous group однорідна група • група з однорідним складом; income group група за рівнем доходів • група населення, яка має однаковий дохід; industry group галузева група • група за галуззю діяльності; informal group неформальна група • неформальний колектив; interest group група, об'єднана загальними інтересами; lasting group довговічна група • стабільна група; leadership group група лідерства; life-style group група за способом життя; loaning group кредитна група; lobby group група лобістів • група людей, яка чинить тиск на керівний орган для прийняття певного рішення; management group група управління; manufacturing group виробнича група; matched group ідентична група • парна група • порівняльна група • сумісна група; medium-income group група за середнім рівнем доходів; membership group членський колектив • група членів; minority group національна меншість • меншість; national group національна група • група осіб однієї національності; natural group природна група; new product development group група спеціалістів — розробників нових товарів; nomadic group кочова група; noncompeting groups неконкурентні групи; occupational group група за родом зайнятості • професійна група; order receiving group група, яка приймає замовлення; peer group група рівних; performing arts group група виконавців • мистецька група; policy group група, яка опрацьовує стратегію; political group політична група; population group група населення; pressure group група тиску • група, яка обстоює певні інтереси • група, об'єднана спільними інтересами; primary group первинна група • первинне оточення • первинний колектив; producers group виробнича група; product group товарний підрозділ • товарна група • група товарів; product line group асортиментна група • група товарів, близьких за номенклатурою; product test group група випробування товару • група товарних випробувань; professional group група професіоналів; project group проектна група; psychological group психологічне угруповання; public interest group група захисту інтересів громадськості • група громадських інтересів; purchasing group закупівельна група; quality assurance group група забезпечення якості; racial group расова група; reform group група реформаторів; repair group ремонтна група; research group дослідницька група; retailers' buying group об'єднання роздрібних торговців; risk group група ризику; secondary group вторинна група • вторинне оточення • вторинний колектив; select group вибрана група; social group суспільна група; social action group група суспільної дії; socioeconomic group соціально-економічна група; sociological group соціологічна група; special-interest group група зі спеціальними інтересами; statistical group статистична група; study group робоча група • дослідницька група; task group цільова група; target group цільова група; technical group технічна група • група технічних спеціалістів; test group випробувальна група • дослідна група; trade group галузева група; trading group торговельне об'єднання; transportation group транспортна група; upscale group група, вища від середнього рівня; user group група користувачів; viewing group група глядачів; wage rate group група одного розряду заробітної плати; watchdog group група нагляду • контрольна (ревізійна) група; working group робоча група
    group annual report річний звіт об'єднання; group assurance scheme система колективного страхування; group balance sheet балансовий звіт групи компаній; group case study груповий аналіз конкретних ситуацій • груповий розгляд конкретних проблем; group company концерн • змішана компанія • спільна компанія; group deficit груповий дефіцит • дефіцит бюджету групи компаній; group discount ставка обліку групи компаній; group dynamics групова динаміка; group earnings доходи групи компаній; group equity капітал групи компаній; group financial statement фінансовий звіт групи компаній; group health insurance колективне медичне страхування; group information інформація про стан концерну; group insurance колективне страхування; group leader лідер угруповання; group leasing колективна довгострокова оренда; group life insurance групове страхування життя; group management колективне керівництво; group managing director директор-розпорядник групи компаній; group of companies група компаній • концерн; group of experts група експертів; group of investors група вкладників капіталу • група інвесторів; Group of Seven (G7), G-7 countries група семи (провідні країни Заходу: Великобританія, Німеччина, Канада, США, Франція, Італія, Японія); Group of Eight, G-8 countries група восьми (Великобританія, Німеччина, Канада, США, Франція, Італія, Японія, Росія); group of Ten, G-10 countries група десяти (члени Міжнародного валютного фонду: США, Канада, Бельгія, Нідерланди, Великобританія, Італія, Франція, Німеччина, Швеція, Японія); group outline спільний план діяльності групи компаній; group pension fund колективний пенсійний фонд; group policy груповий поліс; group profit прибуток групи компаній; group relations взаємостосунки між членами колективу; group taxation оподаткування групи компаній; group turnover товарооборот групи компаній; G-5 countries група п'яти (провідні країни Заходу: Великобританія, Німеччина, США, Франція, Японія); to group with поєднуватися/поєднатися • поєднуватися/ поєднатися з
    group²:: group of companies

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > group

  • 5 outline

    1. сущ.
    1) часто мн. очертание;
    абрис in outline Syn: contour
    2) а) набросок;
    эскиз to draw up an outline, to make an outline ≈ сделать эскиз, набросок bare, broad, general, rough outline ≈ приблизительный набросок Syn: sketch, draft б) конспект, план, схема;
    краткое содержание Syn: plan, draft
    3) мн. основные положения, принципы;
    основная идея
    2. гл.
    1) нарисовать контур;
    2) перен. обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах She outlineed what I would be doing. ≈ Она наметила мне вкратце, что я буду делать. часто pl контур, обвод, абрис, очертание - the *s of the skyscrapers силуэты небоскребов - to draw smth. in * нарисовать контур чего-либо - the * of Italy suggests a boot по своим очертаниям Италия напоминает сапог набросок;
    эскиз - make an * of the scene before you paint прежде чем писать картину, сделайте набросок план;
    конспект - an * of a composition план сочинения - * of qualifications сведения об образовании (для анкеты) - to give a brief * of a speech составить (предложить) краткий план речи план, схема - she drew the * of the building from memory она по памяти начертила план здания очерк, обзор - an * of European History очерки по истории Европы (название книги) основы, основные принципы - the *s of Economics основы экономической науки > in * в общих чертах;
    нечетко, неясно > he presented his idea in * он вкратце изложил свою мысль > the shore was dimly seen only in * были видны лишь неясные очертания берега обвести, нарисовать контур - * France on this map with a red pencil обведите на карте Францию красным карандашом оттенять, очерчивать - to be *d against выделяться на фоне( чего-либо) изложить вкратце, обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах - to * scheme наметить проект в общих чертах - don't bother to * every chapter не стоит излагать каждую главу - she *d her plans for a trip abroad она в общих чертах рассказала о предстоящей поездке за границу ~ attr. контурный;
    an outline map контурная карта character ~ контур знака group ~ общий план деятельности группы компаний in ~ в общих чертах in ~ контурный (о рисунке) outline делать набросок ~ конспект ~ контур ~ набросок;
    очерк ~ набросок ~ намечать в общих чертах ~ нарисовать контур ~ обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах;
    сделать набросок ~ обрисовывать ~ основной принцип ~ основы, основные принципы ~ pl основы;
    основные принципы ~ оттенять ~ очертание, контур ~ (часто pl) очертание;
    абрис ~ очертание ~ план ~ резюме ~ схема, план, конспект ~ схема ~ элемент блок-схемы ~ эскиз ~ attr. контурный;
    an outline map контурная карта

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > outline

  • 6 outline group

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > outline group

  • 7 outline group

    English-Russian information technology > outline group

  • 8 Group And Outline

    குழுவும் சுற்றுக்கோடும்

    English-Tamil dictionary > Group And Outline

  • 9 общий план деятельности группы компаний

    Business: group outline

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > общий план деятельности группы компаний

  • 10 konsernoversikt

    subst. group outline

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > konsernoversikt

  • 11 perfil

    1 outline, shape (contorno).
    2 profile.
    de perfil in profile
    3 profile.
    4 side view, contour, profile.
    * * *
    1 (gen) profile
    2 (silueta) outline
    de perfil in profile
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) [gen] profile (tb fig); (=contorno) silhouette, outline; (Geol, Arquit) section, cross section; (Fot) side view

    de perfil — in profile, from the side

    perfil bajo, neumáticos de perfil bajo — low-profile tyres o (EEUU) tires

    2) [profesional] profile

    perfil del cliente — (Com) customer profile

    3) pl perfiles (=rasgos) features, characteristics; (=cortesías) social courtesies; (=retoques) finishing touches
    * * *
    a) (del cuerpo, la cara) profile

    una foto/un retrato de perfil — a profile photograph/portrait

    visto de perfil — seen from the side, if you look at it from the side

    b) (contorno, silueta) profile, silhouette
    2) (Arquit) cross section; (Tec) profile, longitudinal section
    3) ( características) profile
    * * *
    = profile, profile, contour, pattern.
    Ex. The user then receives, on a regular basis, notifications of new documents or information which fall within the topic specified in his profile.
    Ex. A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
    Ex. As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.
    Ex. In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    * creación de perfiles de usuario = user profiling.
    * crear un perfil = compile + profile, formulate + profile.
    * de perfil = in profile.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * perfil de grupo = group profile.
    * perfil de interés = subject interest.
    * perfil de interés del usuario = subject profile, user interest profile.
    * perfil de la biblioteca = library profile.
    * perfil de un + Nombre = Nombre + in profile.
    * perfil documental = document profile.
    * perfil DSI = SDI profile.
    * perfil genético = genetic pattern.
    * perfil profesional = career profile.
    * * *
    a) (del cuerpo, la cara) profile

    una foto/un retrato de perfil — a profile photograph/portrait

    visto de perfil — seen from the side, if you look at it from the side

    b) (contorno, silueta) profile, silhouette
    2) (Arquit) cross section; (Tec) profile, longitudinal section
    3) ( características) profile
    * * *
    = profile, profile, contour, pattern.

    Ex: The user then receives, on a regular basis, notifications of new documents or information which fall within the topic specified in his profile.

    Ex: A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface with the surface of the ground.
    Ex: As a result, requesters have turned to the courts to define the contours of public access in the computer age.
    Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    * creación de perfiles de usuario = user profiling.
    * crear un perfil = compile + profile, formulate + profile.
    * de perfil = in profile.
    * impreso de perfil de búsqueda = profile search form.
    * perfil de búsqueda = search profile.
    * perfil de grupo = group profile.
    * perfil de interés = subject interest.
    * perfil de interés del usuario = subject profile, user interest profile.
    * perfil de la biblioteca = library profile.
    * perfil de un + Nombre = Nombre + in profile.
    * perfil documental = document profile.
    * perfil DSI = SDI profile.
    * perfil genético = genetic pattern.
    * perfil profesional = career profile.

    * * *
    1 (del cuerpo, de la cara) profile
    una foto/un retrato de perfil de su hijo a profile photograph/portrait of her son
    vista de perfil me recuerda a su hermana seen from the side o if you look at her from the side, she looks like her sister, in profile she reminds me of her sister
    un perfil griego/romano a Greek/Roman profile
    2 (contorno, silueta) profile, silhouette
    1 ( Arquit) cross section
    2 ( Tec) profile, longitudinal section
    3 ( Inf) footprint
    (rasgos, características): el perfil de la mujer moderna the profile of the modern woman
    quiere un puesto de trabajo que se adapte a su perfil he wants a position which suits his qualifications and experience
    les interesa una persona con un perfil empresarial they are looking for someone with a managerial background o with managerial experience
    genetic profile
    * * *


    perfil sustantivo masculino
    a) (del cuerpo, la cara) profile;

    visto de perfil seen from the side
    b) (contorno, silueta) profile, silhouette

    perfil sustantivo masculino
    1 profile
    2 (contorno) silhouette, outline, contour
    3 Geom cross section
    ' perfil' also found in these entries:
    - ondulado
    - silueta
    - costa
    - neto
    - dim
    - outline
    - profile
    - side view
    * * *
    perfil nm
    1. [de cara, cuerpo] profile;
    una foto de perfil a photograph in profile;
    en la foto salgo de perfil I appear in profile in the photo;
    le vi de perfil I saw him in profile o from the side;
    un perfil griego a Greek profile
    2. [contorno] outline, shape;
    un perfil aerodinámico an aerodynamic shape
    3. [característica] characteristic;
    el perfil de un candidato a candidate's profile;
    un perfil psicológico a psychological profile;
    buscan licenciados con un perfil comercial they are looking for graduates with a background in sales
    4. Mat cross section
    * * *
    m profile;
    de perfil in profile, from the side;
    dar el perfil para un cargo fit the profile
    * * *
    perfil nm
    1) : profile
    de perfil : sideways, from the side
    3) perfiles nmpl
    rasgos: features, characteristics
    * * *
    1. (de cosa) outline
    2. (de persona) profile

    Spanish-English dictionary > perfil

  • 12 line

    I [laɪn]
    1) (mark) linea f., riga f., segno m.; (shorter, thicker) tratto m.; art. tratto m.; sport (on pitch, court) linea f.; mat. linea f.

    straight, curved line — linea retta, curva

    to put a line through sth. — tirare una linea sopra qcs., barrare qcs.

    starting line, finishing line — sport linea di partenza, d'arrivo

    to cross the linesport tagliare il traguardo

    the line AB (in geometry) il segmento AB

    2) (of people, cars) fila f.; (of trees) fila f., filare m.; (of footprints) serie f.

    to stand in a lineessere o stare in fila

    to be in line with — [ cooker] essere allineato con [ cupboard]

    out of line — [ picture] storto, non allineato

    3) fig.

    to be in line for promotion, for the post of — essere candidato alla promozione, al posto di

    4) AE (queue) coda f.
    5) (on face) ruga f.; (on palm) linea f.
    6) arch. sart. (outline shape) linea f.
    7) (boundary) linea f. di confine, confine m.

    state line — confine di stato, frontiera

    8) (rope) corda f., filo m.; pesc. lenza f.
    9) el. (cable) linea f. (elettrica)
    10) tel. (connection) linea f.

    to be on the line to sb. — essere in linea con qcn.

    to get off the linecolloq. riattaccare

    11) ferr. (connection) linea f.; (rails) binario m.; (shipping company, airline) compagnia f.
    12) (in genealogy) linea f., discendenza f.

    to trace one's line back to sb. — far risalire le proprie origini a qcn.

    13) (in prose) riga f.; (in poetry) verso m.; (of music) rigo m.

    a line from — una citazione da [ poem]

    to learn one's linesteatr. imparare la parte

    to fall into line with — [ person] allinearsi, conformarsi a [ view]

    to bring sth. into line with — conformare qcs. a

    to keep sb. in line — fare rigare dritto qcn.

    to be (way) out of line — [ remark] essere completamente fuori luogo

    you're way out of line!colloq. stai esagerando! hai proprio passato il limite!

    to have a line on sb., sth. — avere delle informazioni su qcn., qcs.

    to take a firm line with sb. — seguire la linea dura con qcn.

    17) comm. linea f. (di prodotti)
    18) mil.
    20) colloq. (of cocaine) pista f.

    to be in line with — essere in linea con [trend, view]


    all along the line, right down the line — su tutta la linea

    somewhere along the line (at point in time) in un certo momento; (at stage) da qualche parte

    II [laɪn]
    1) (stand along) [ trees] fiancheggiare [ route]; [ spectators] essere disposto lungo [ street]

    to be lined with — essere segnato da [ worry]

    III [laɪn]
    verbo transitivo (add layer) foderare [ garment]; rivestire [box, shelf]
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.)
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.)
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.)
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.)
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.)
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.)
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.)
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.)
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.)
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.)
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.)
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.)
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.)
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.)
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.)
    2) (to mark with lines.)
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.)
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.)
    * * *
    I [laɪn]
    1) (mark) linea f., riga f., segno m.; (shorter, thicker) tratto m.; art. tratto m.; sport (on pitch, court) linea f.; mat. linea f.

    straight, curved line — linea retta, curva

    to put a line through sth. — tirare una linea sopra qcs., barrare qcs.

    starting line, finishing line — sport linea di partenza, d'arrivo

    to cross the linesport tagliare il traguardo

    the line AB (in geometry) il segmento AB

    2) (of people, cars) fila f.; (of trees) fila f., filare m.; (of footprints) serie f.

    to stand in a lineessere o stare in fila

    to be in line with — [ cooker] essere allineato con [ cupboard]

    out of line — [ picture] storto, non allineato

    3) fig.

    to be in line for promotion, for the post of — essere candidato alla promozione, al posto di

    4) AE (queue) coda f.
    5) (on face) ruga f.; (on palm) linea f.
    6) arch. sart. (outline shape) linea f.
    7) (boundary) linea f. di confine, confine m.

    state line — confine di stato, frontiera

    8) (rope) corda f., filo m.; pesc. lenza f.
    9) el. (cable) linea f. (elettrica)
    10) tel. (connection) linea f.

    to be on the line to sb. — essere in linea con qcn.

    to get off the linecolloq. riattaccare

    11) ferr. (connection) linea f.; (rails) binario m.; (shipping company, airline) compagnia f.
    12) (in genealogy) linea f., discendenza f.

    to trace one's line back to sb. — far risalire le proprie origini a qcn.

    13) (in prose) riga f.; (in poetry) verso m.; (of music) rigo m.

    a line from — una citazione da [ poem]

    to learn one's linesteatr. imparare la parte

    to fall into line with — [ person] allinearsi, conformarsi a [ view]

    to bring sth. into line with — conformare qcs. a

    to keep sb. in line — fare rigare dritto qcn.

    to be (way) out of line — [ remark] essere completamente fuori luogo

    you're way out of line!colloq. stai esagerando! hai proprio passato il limite!

    to have a line on sb., sth. — avere delle informazioni su qcn., qcs.

    to take a firm line with sb. — seguire la linea dura con qcn.

    17) comm. linea f. (di prodotti)
    18) mil.
    20) colloq. (of cocaine) pista f.

    to be in line with — essere in linea con [trend, view]


    all along the line, right down the line — su tutta la linea

    somewhere along the line (at point in time) in un certo momento; (at stage) da qualche parte

    II [laɪn]
    1) (stand along) [ trees] fiancheggiare [ route]; [ spectators] essere disposto lungo [ street]

    to be lined with — essere segnato da [ worry]

    III [laɪn]
    verbo transitivo (add layer) foderare [ garment]; rivestire [box, shelf]

    English-Italian dictionary > line

  • 13 line

    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    2) (telephone or telegraph cable) Leitung, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also academic.ru/35190/hold">hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    7) (row of words on a page) Zeile, die

    lines(actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    9) (series of persons or things) Reihe, die; (generations of family) Linie, die
    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) die Leine
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) die Linie
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) die Konturen (pl.)
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) die Falte
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) die Reihe
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) einige Zeilen
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) die Abstammungslinie
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) die Richtung
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) die Eisenbahnlinie, das Gleis
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All( telephone) lines are engaged.) die Leitung
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) die Zeile
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) die Linie
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) das Tätigkeitsfeld
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) die Linie
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) säumen
    2) (to mark with lines.) linieren
    - lineage
    - linear
    - lines
    - linesman
    - hard lines! - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) auskleiden
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) füttern
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (mark) Linie f
    dividing \line Trennungslinie f
    straight \line gerade Linie
    to draw a \line eine Linie ziehen
    2. SPORT Linie f
    3. MATH
    straight \line Gerade f
    4. (wrinkle) Falte f
    5. (contour) Linie f
    6. MUS Tonfolge f
    7. (equator)
    the L\line die Linie, der Äquator
    8. (boundary) Grenze f, Grenzlinie f
    \line of credit FIN Kreditrahmen m, Kreditlinie f
    tree [or timber] \line Baumgrenze f
    the thin \line between love and hate der schmale Grat zwischen Liebe und Hass
    to cross the \line die Grenze überschreiten fig, zu weit gehen
    9. (cord) Leine f; (string) Schnur f
    [clothes] \line Wäscheleine f
    [fishing] \line Angelschnur f
    10. TELEC [Telefon]leitung f; (connection to network) Anschluss m
    \lines will be open from eight o'clock die Leitungen werden ab acht Uhr frei[geschaltet] sein
    can you get me a \line to New York? können Sie mir bitte eine Verbindung nach New York geben?
    the \line is engaged/busy die Leitung ist besetzt
    please hold the \line! bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat!
    get off the \line! geh aus der Leitung!
    bad \line schlechte Verbindung
    to be/stay on the \line am Apparat sein/bleiben
    11. (set of tracks) Gleis nt; (specific train route) Strecke f
    the end of the \line die Endstation
    to be at [or reach] the end of the \line ( fig) am Ende sein fam
    rail \line Eisenbahnlinie f
    shipping \line Schifffahrtslinie f; (company) Reederei f
    13. (row of words, also in poem) Zeile f
    to drop sb a \line jdm ein paar Zeilen schreiben
    to read between the \lines ( fig) zwischen den Zeilen lesen
    14. (for actor)
    \lines pl Text m
    to forget/learn one's \lines seinen Text lernen/vergessen
    15. (information) Hinweis m
    to get a \line on sb/sth etwas über jdn/etw herausfinden
    to give sb a \line about sth jdm einen Hinweis auf etw akk geben
    to give sb a \line on sb jdm Informationen über jdn besorgen
    16. (false account, talk)
    he keeps giving me that \line about his computer not working properly er kommt mir immer wieder mit dem Spruch, dass sein Computer nicht richtig funktioniere
    I've heard that \line before die Platte kenne ich schon in- und auswendig! fam
    \lines pl Strafarbeit f
    she got 100 \lines for swearing at her teacher da sie ihren Lehrer beschimpft hatte, musste sie zur Strafe 100 mal... schreiben
    18. (row) Reihe f
    to be first in \line an erster Stelle stehen; ( fig) ganz vorne dabei sein
    to be next in \line als Nächster/Nächste dran sein
    to be in a \line in einer Reihe stehen
    the cans on the shelf were in a \line die Büchsen waren im Regal aufgereiht
    to be in \line for sth mit etw dat an der Reihe sein
    to come [or fall] into \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen; single person sich akk einreihen
    to form a \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to get into \line sich akk hintereinander aufstellen; (next to each other) sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to move into \line sich akk einreihen
    in \line with (level with) auf der gleichen Höhe wie
    in \line with demand bedarfsgerecht, bedarfsadäquat
    in \line with maturity FIN laufzeitbezogen, laufzeitabhängig
    in \line with requirements bedürfnisorientiert
    in \line with the market marktnah, marktgerecht, marktkonform
    to be in \line with sth (similar to) mit etw dat übereinstimmen
    the salaries of temporary employees were brought into \line with those of permanent staff die Gehälter Teilzeitbeschäftigter wurden an die der Vollzeitbeschäftigten angeglichen
    19. (succession) Linie f
    I want to have children to prevent the family \line dying out ich möchte Kinder, damit die Familie nicht ausstirbt
    this institute has had a long \line of prestigious physicists working here dieses Institut kann auf eine lange Tradition angesehener Physiker zurückblicken
    he is the latest in a long \line of Nobel Prize winners to come from that country er ist der jüngste einer ganzen Reihe von Nobelpreisträgern aus diesem Land
    20. esp AM (queue) Schlange f
    to get in \line sich akk anstellen
    to stand in \line anstehen
    21. (product type) Sortiment nt; FASHION Kollektion f
    they are thinking about a new \line of vehicles sie denken über eine neue Kraftfahrzeugserie nach; BRIT, AUS
    they do an excellent \line in TVs and videos sie stellen erstklassige Fernseher und Videogeräte her
    spring/summer/fall/winter \line Frühjahrs-/Sommer-/Herbst-/Winterkollektion f
    to have a good \line in [or AM of] sth ( fig) einen großen Vorrat an etw dat haben
    22. (area of activity) Gebiet nt
    football's never really been my \line mit Fußball konnte ich noch nie besonders viel anfangen
    what's your \line? was machen Sie beruflich?
    \line of business Branche f
    \line of research Forschungsgebiet nt
    \line of work Arbeitsgebiet nt
    to be in sb's \line jdm liegen
    \line of argument Argumentation f
    to be in the \line of duty zu jds Pflichten gehören
    \line of reasoning Gedankengang m
    to take a strong \line with sb jdm gegenüber sehr bestimmt auftreten
    to take a strong \line with sth gegen etw akk energisch vorgehen
    they did not reveal their \line of inquiry sie teilten nicht mit, in welcher Richtung sie ermittelten
    what \line shall we take? wie sollen wir vorgehen?
    along the \lines of...:
    she said something along the \lines that he would lose his job if he didn't work harder sie sagte irgendetwas in der Richtung davon, dass er seine Stelle verlieren würde, wenn er nicht härter arbeiten würde
    my sister works in publishing and I'm hoping to do something along the same \lines meine Schwester arbeitet im Verlagswesen und ich würde gerne etwas Ähnliches tun
    to try a new \line of approach to sth versuchen, etw anders anzugehen
    the \line of least resistence der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes
    \line of vision Blickrichtung f
    to be on the right \lines auf dem richtigen Weg sein
    do you think his approach to the problem is on the right \lines? glauben Sie, dass er das Problem richtig angeht?
    25. (policy) Linie f
    party \line Parteilinie f
    to bring sb/sth into \line [with sth] jdn/etw auf gleiche Linie [wie etw akk] bringen
    to fall into \line with sth mit etw dat konform gehen
    to keep sb in \line dafür sorgen, dass jd nicht aus der Reihe tanzt
    to move into \line sich akk anpassen
    to step out of \line aus der Reihe tanzen
    26. MIL (of defence) Linie f
    \line of battle Kampflinie f
    behind enemy \lines hinter den feindlichen Stellungen
    front \line Front f
    27. (quantity of cocaine) Linie f fam
    to do a \line of coke, to do \lines koksen fam
    28. STOCKEX Aktienpaket nt
    all along the \line auf der ganzen Linie
    to bring sb into \line jdn in seine Schranken weisen
    in/out of \line with sb/sth mit jdm/etw im/nicht im Einklang
    to lay it on the \line die Karten offen auf den Tisch legen
    to be on the \line auf dem Spiel stehen
    to put sth on the \line etw aufs Spiel setzen
    right down the \line esp AM voll und ganz
    it was stepping out of \line to tell him that es stand dir nicht zu, ihm das zu sagen
    to \line sth paper etw linieren
    her face was \lined with agony ihr Gesicht war von tiefem Schmerz gezeichnet
    2. (stand at intervals)
    to \line the streets die Straßen säumen geh
    the streets were \lined with cheering people jubelnde Menschenmengen säumten die Straßen
    to \line sth clothing etw füttern; drawers etw von innen auslegen; pipes etw auskleiden
    2. ( fam: fill)
    to \line one's pockets [or purse] [with sth] sich dat die Taschen [mit etw dat] füllen
    to \line shelves Regale füllen
    to \line one's stomach sich dat den Magen vollschlagen fam
    * * *
    line1 [laın]
    A s
    1. Linie f ( auch SPORT), Strich m:
    down the line (Tennis) die Linie entlang, longline;
    come off ( oder leave) one’s line sich von der Linie lösen (Tormann);
    2. a) (Hand- etc) Linie f:
    line of fate Schicksalslinie
    b) Falte f, Runzel f:
    lines of worry Sorgenfalten
    c) Zug m (im Gesicht)
    3. Zeile f:
    read between the lines fig zwischen den Zeilen lesen; drop C 9
    4. TV (Bild) Zeile f
    5. a) Vers m
    b) pl THEAT etc Rolle f, Text m: fluff B 3
    c) pl SCHULE Br Strafarbeit f, -aufgabe f
    6. pl (meist als sg konstruiert) besonders Br umg Trauschein m
    7. umg (on) Information f (über akk), Hinweis m (auf akk)
    8. US umg
    a) Platte f (Geschwätz)
    b) Tour f, Masche f (Trick)
    9. Linie f, Richtung f:
    a) MIL Angriffsrichtung,
    b) fig Taktik f;
    line of fire MIL etc Schusslinie f;
    get into sb’s line of fire jemandem in die Schusslinie geraten;
    a) Blickrichtung,
    b) auch line of vision Gesichtslinie, -achse f;
    hung on the line in Augenhöhe aufgehängt (Bild);
    he said sth along these lines er sagte etwas in dieser Richtung; resistance 1
    10. pl Grundsätze pl, Richtlinie(n) f(pl):
    the lines of his policy die Grundlinien seiner Politik;
    on ( oder along) the lines of nach dem Prinzip (gen);
    I would like to have sth on ( oder along) the lines of what you have ich möchte etwas von der Art wie Sie haben;
    a) nach diesen Grundsätzen,
    b) folgendermaßen;
    along general lines ganz allgemein, in großen Zügen;
    it is out of line for sb to do sth es entspricht nicht jemandes Art, etwas zu tun
    11. Art f und Weise f, Methode f, Verfahren n:
    line of approach (to) Art und Weise (etwas) anzupacken, Methode;
    line of argument (Art der) Beweisführung f;
    line of reasoning Denkweise;
    a) Auffassung f,
    b) Gedankengang m;
    take a strong line energisch auftreten oder werden ( with sb gegenüber jemandem);
    take a tougher line toward(s) härter vorgehen gegen, eine härtere Gangart einschlagen gegenüber;
    take the line that … den Standpunkt vertreten, dass …;
    don’t take that line with me! komm mir ja nicht so!;
    in the line of nach Art von (od gen);
    on strictly commercial lines auf streng geschäftlicher Grundlage, auf rein kommerzieller Basis; hard line 1
    12. Grenze f (auch fig), Grenzlinie f:
    overstep the line of good taste über die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks hinausgehen;
    there’s a very fine line between winning and losing Sieg und Niederlage liegen ganz dicht beieinander;
    be on the line auf dem Spiel stehen;
    your job is on the line auch es geht um deinen Job;
    draw the line die Grenze ziehen, haltmachen ( beide:
    at bei);
    I draw the line at that da hört es bei mir auf;
    go on the line US auf den Strich gehen umg;
    lay ( oder put) on the line sein Leben, seinen Ruf etc aufs Spiel setzen;
    lay it on the line that … in aller Deutlichkeit sagen, dass …;
    I’ll lay it on the line for you! umg das kann ich Ihnen genau sagen!;
    lines of responsibility Zuständigkeiten; demarcation
    13. pl
    a) Linien(führung) pl(f), Konturen pl, Form f
    b) Entwurf m
    c) TECH Riss m
    14. a) Reihe f, Kette f:
    a line of poplars eine Pappelreihe
    b) besonders US (Menschen-, auch Auto) Schlange f:
    stand in line anstehen, Schlange stehen ( beide:
    for um, nach);
    drive in line AUTO Kolonne fahren;
    be in line for fig Aussichten haben auf (akk);
    be second in line for the throne an zweiter Stelle der Thronfolge stehen
    15. Reihe f, Linie f:
    in line with fig in Übereinstimmung oder im Einklang mit;
    be in line fig übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    out of line aus der Flucht, nicht in einer Linie;
    be out of line fig nicht übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    a) in Einklang bringen ( with mit),
    b) auf Vordermann bringen umg;
    a) sich einordnen,
    b) MIL (in Reih und Glied) antreten,
    c) fig sich anschließen ( with dat);
    keep sb in line fig jemanden bei der Stange halten;
    step ( oder get) out of line fig aus der Reihe tanzen umg;
    in line of duty in Ausübung seines Dienstes oder seiner Pflicht; toe B 2
    16. a) (Abstammungs) Linie f
    b) (Ahnen- etc) Reihe f
    c) ZOOL (Zucht) Stamm m
    d) Familie f, Stamm m, Geschlecht n:
    the male line die männliche Linie;
    in the direct line in direkter Linie;
    line of succession Erbfolge f
    17. pl besonders Br Los n, Geschick n: hard line 2
    18. Fach n, Gebiet n, Sparte f:
    line (of business) Branche f, Geschäftszweig m;
    in the banking line im Bankfach oder -wesen;
    that’s not in my line
    a) das schlägt nicht in mein Fach,
    b) das liegt mir nicht;
    that’s more in my line das liegt mir schon eher
    19. (Verkehrs-, Eisenbahn- etc) Linie f, Strecke f, Route f, engS. BAHN Gleis n:
    the end of the line fig das (bittere) Ende;
    that’s the end of the line! fig Endstation!;
    he was at the end of the line fig er war am Ende
    20. (Flug- etc) Gesellschaft f
    21. a) besonders TEL Leitung f:
    get off the line aus der Leitung gehen;
    hold the line bleiben Sie am Apparat!; busy A 6, engaged 5, hot line
    b) besonders TEL Anschluss m
    c) TEL Amt n:
    can I have a line, please?
    22. TECH (Rohr) Leitung f:
    oil line Ölleitung
    23. TECH (Fertigungs) Straße f: packaging B
    24. WIRTSCH
    a) Sorte f, Warengattung f
    b) Posten m, Partie f
    c) Sortiment n
    d) Artikel m oder pl, Artikelserie f
    25. MIL
    a) Linie f:
    behind the enemy lines hinter den feindlichen Linien;
    line of battle Schlacht-, Gefechtslinie;
    line of communications rückwärtige Verbindungen pl;
    line of defence (US defense) (departure, retreat) Verteidigungs-(Ausgangs-, Rückzugs)linie
    b) Front f:
    go up the line nach vorn oder an die Front gehen;
    all along the line, down the line fig auf der ganzen Linie, auch voll und ganz;
    go down the line for US umg sich voll einsetzen für
    c) Fronttruppe(n) f(pl)
    26. GEOG Längen- oder Breitenkreis m:
    the Line der Äquator;
    cross the Line den Äquator überqueren
    27. SCHIFF Linie f:
    line abreast Dwarslinie;
    line ahead Kiellinie
    28. a) Leine f:
    hang the washing up on the line die Wäsche auf die Leine hängen
    b) Schnur f
    c) Seil n
    29. TEL etc
    a) Draht m
    b) Kabel n
    B v/i line up A 1, A 2
    C v/t
    1. Papier linieren, liniieren
    2. line up B 1
    3. zeichnen
    4. skizzieren
    5. das Gesicht (zer)furchen
    6. (ein)säumen:
    lined with trees von Bäumen (ein)gesäumt;
    thousands of people lined the streets Tausende von Menschen säumten die Straßen;
    soldiers lined the street Soldaten bildeten an der Straße Spalier
    line2 [laın] v/t
    1. ein Kleid etc füttern
    2. besonders TECH (auf der Innenseite) überziehen oder belegen, ausfüttern, -gießen, -kleiden, -schlagen ( alle:
    with mit), Bremsen, eine Kupplung belegen
    3. als Futter oder Überzug dienen für
    4. (an)füllen:
    line one’s pocket(s) ( oder purse) in die eigene Tasche arbeiten, sich bereichern, sich die Taschen füllen;
    line one’s stomach sich den Bauch vollschlagen umg
    L., l. abk
    1. lake
    2. law
    4. left li.
    5. line
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    lines (actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    (US) n.
    Schlange -n f.
    Schlange -n f.
    (Menschen-, Auto (<-s>)-)
    Warteschlange f. (railway) n.
    Gleis -e n. n.
    Branche -n f.
    Furche -n f.
    Kurs -e (Verkehr) m.
    Leine -n f.
    Linie -n f.
    Reihe -n f.
    Richtung -en f.
    Runzel -n f.
    Strecke -n f.
    Strich -e m.
    Vers -e m.
    Zeile -n f. v.
    Spalier bilden ausdr.
    auskleiden v.

    English-german dictionary > line


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    904. Wurmser, L. (1981) The Mask of Shame. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
    905. Zetzel, E. R. (1956) Current concepts of transference. TJP, 37.

    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 15 line

    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) snor; line
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) streg; linie
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) linie
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) rynke
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) række
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) et par linier
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) linie; slægt; række
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) rute; retning
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) jernbanelinie; jernbanespor
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) pipeline; rør; -linie
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) linie
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) rute
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) linie; branche
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) linie; -linie
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) stå langs med
    2) (to mark with lines.) markere med linier
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) fore; beklæde
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) fore
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) snor; line
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) streg; linie
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) linie
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) rynke
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) række
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) et par linier
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) linie; slægt; række
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) rute; retning
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) jernbanelinie; jernbanespor
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) pipeline; rør; -linie
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) linie
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) rute
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) linie; branche
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) linie; -linie
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) stå langs med
    2) (to mark with lines.) markere med linier
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) fore; beklæde
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) fore

    English-Danish dictionary > line

  • 16 draft

    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) borrador, esbozo
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) reclutamiento
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) letra de cambio, giro
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) servicio militar

    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) esbozar
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) reclutar, llamar a filas
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman

    1 (rough copy - of letter, speech, etc) borrador nombre masculino; (of plot) bosquejo, esbozo; (of plan, project) anteproyecto
    2 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL (bill of exchange) letra de cambio, giro
    3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (conscription) (reclutamiento para el) servicio militar obligatorio
    4 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL→ link=draught draught{
    1 (letter, document, contract) hacer un borrador de, redactar (el borrador de); (speech) preparar; (plan, plot) esbozar, bosquejar
    2 (police) hacer intervenir (in, -); (new staff) contratar (in, -))
    3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (conscript) reclutar, llamar a filas
    1 (version, copy) preliminar
    draft bill SMALLLAW/SMALL anteproyecto de ley
    draft dodger prófugo,-a
    draft ['dræft, 'draft] vt
    1) conscript: reclutar
    2) compose, sketch: hacer el borrador de, redactar
    draft adj
    1) : de barril
    draft beer: cerveza de barril
    2) : de tiro
    draft horses: caballos de tiro
    1) haulage: tiro m
    2) drink, gulp: trago m
    3) outline, sketch: bosquejo m, borrador m, versión f
    4) : corriente f de aire, chiflón m, tiro m (de una chimenea)
    5) conscription: conscripción f
    bank draft : giro m bancario, letra f de cambio
    borrador s.m.
    de barril adj.
    bosquejo s.m.
    corriente de aire s.m.
    dibujo s.m.
    esquicio s.m.
    matriz s.f.
    bosquejar v.
    minutar v.
    quintar v.
    redactar v.

    I dræft, drɑːft
    1) c (BrE) draught ( cold air) corriente f de aire
    2) c ( formulation) versión f

    a rough draft — un borrador; (before n)

    draft billanteproyecto m de ley

    3) ( Fin) cheque m or efecto m bancario
    4) (AmE)

    the draft — ( Mil) el llamamiento or (AmL tb) llamado a filas

    1) ( formulate) \<\<document/contract/letter\>\> redactar el borrador de; \<\<speech\>\> preparar
    2) ( conscript) (AmE) reclutar, llamar a filas
    1. N
    1) (=outline) (in writing) borrador m; (=drawing) boceto m
    2) (Mil) (=detachment) destacamento m; (=reinforcements) refuerzos mpl

    the draft(US) (Mil) (=conscription) la llamada a filas, el servicio militar

    3) (Comm) (also: banker's draft) letra f de cambio, giro m
    4) (Comput) borrador m
    5) (US) = draught
    2. VT
    1) (also: draft out) [+ document] (=write) redactar; [+ first attempt] hacer un borrador de; [+ scheme] elaborar, trazar
    2) (Mil) (for specific duty) destacar; (=send) mandar (to a); (US) (Mil) (=conscript) reclutar, llamar al servicio militar; (fig) forzar, obligar

    draft agreement Nproyecto m de (un) acuerdo

    draft bill Nanteproyecto m de ley

    draft board N(US) (Mil) junta f de reclutamiento

    draft card N(US) (Mil) cartilla f militar

    draft dodger N(US) (Mil) prófugo m

    draft excluder N(US) burlete m

    draft law N= draft bill

    draft horse (US) Ncaballo m de tiro

    draft letter Nborrador m de carta; (more formal) proyecto m de carta

    draft version Nversión f preliminar

    * * *

    I [dræft, drɑːft]
    1) c (BrE) draught ( cold air) corriente f de aire
    2) c ( formulation) versión f

    a rough draft — un borrador; (before n)

    draft billanteproyecto m de ley

    3) ( Fin) cheque m or efecto m bancario
    4) (AmE)

    the draft — ( Mil) el llamamiento or (AmL tb) llamado a filas

    1) ( formulate) \<\<document/contract/letter\>\> redactar el borrador de; \<\<speech\>\> preparar
    2) ( conscript) (AmE) reclutar, llamar a filas

    English-spanish dictionary > draft

  • 17 descripción

    1 description, definition, outline, describing.
    2 word picture.
    * * *
    1 description
    2 (acción de trazar) tracing, describing, description
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino description
    * * *
    = description, disclosure, identification, picture, specification, specifications, profiling, depiction, recounting, portrayal.
    Ex. The indexing process creates a description of a document or information, usually in some recognized and accepted style of format.
    Ex. The patent abstract is a concise statement of the technical disclosure of the patent and must emphasize that which is new in the context of the invention.
    Ex. The second step towards an index involves the identification of the concepts within a document which are worthy of indexing.
    Ex. No pretence is made of their being either a balanced or complete picture of the article.
    Ex. The Working Group was charged with the specification of the procedures and studies needed to undertake the tasks.
    Ex. The specifications, however, are confined to the overall structure and major functional components of the entry.
    Ex. Some excursions into cognitive science have led to the profiling of users' backgrounds, differences and immediate need.
    Ex. Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.
    Ex. This is a recounting of the technologies most likely to facilitate the sharing of resources among libraries.
    Ex. Pictorial sources are created by the portrayal of historical events or subjects using, inter alia, a paint brush, drawing-pen, or pencil, graphic techniques or the camera.
    * área de descripción = area of description.
    * área de descripción física = physical description area.
    * Centro Internacional para la Descripción Bibliográfica del UNISIST = UNIBID.
    * descripción analítica = analytical description.
    * descripción bibliográfica = bibliographic description.
    * descripción bibliográfica de primer nivel = first-level bibliographic description.
    * Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional (ISBD) = ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description).
    * Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material antiguo (ISBD = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * descripción catalográfica = cataloguing description.
    * Descripción de Archivos Codificada (EAD) = Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
    * descripción de documentos de archivo = archival description.
    * descripción de las funciones = job description, job profile.
    * descripción del contenido = subject statement.
    * descripción del documento = document description.
    * descripción del puesto de trabajo = job description, position description, job profile.
    * descripción del solicitante = personnel description.
    * descripción de subcampo = subfield description.
    * descripción documental = document description.
    * descripción física = physical description, physical details.
    * descripción global = outline.
    * hacer una descripción = give + description.
    * ISBD(S) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Publicacio = ISBD(S) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Serials).
    * Manual de Descripción de Archivos = Manual of Archival Description (MAD).
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivos (ISAD-G) = General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)).
    * Norma Internacional para la Descripción de Archivos (ISAD) = International Standard Archival Description (ISAD).
    * * *
    femenino description
    * * *
    = description, disclosure, identification, picture, specification, specifications, profiling, depiction, recounting, portrayal.

    Ex: The indexing process creates a description of a document or information, usually in some recognized and accepted style of format.

    Ex: The patent abstract is a concise statement of the technical disclosure of the patent and must emphasize that which is new in the context of the invention.
    Ex: The second step towards an index involves the identification of the concepts within a document which are worthy of indexing.
    Ex: No pretence is made of their being either a balanced or complete picture of the article.
    Ex: The Working Group was charged with the specification of the procedures and studies needed to undertake the tasks.
    Ex: The specifications, however, are confined to the overall structure and major functional components of the entry.
    Ex: Some excursions into cognitive science have led to the profiling of users' backgrounds, differences and immediate need.
    Ex: Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.
    Ex: This is a recounting of the technologies most likely to facilitate the sharing of resources among libraries.
    Ex: Pictorial sources are created by the portrayal of historical events or subjects using, inter alia, a paint brush, drawing-pen, or pencil, graphic techniques or the camera.
    * área de descripción = area of description.
    * área de descripción física = physical description area.
    * Centro Internacional para la Descripción Bibliográfica del UNISIST = UNIBID.
    * descripción analítica = analytical description.
    * descripción bibliográfica = bibliographic description.
    * descripción bibliográfica de primer nivel = first-level bibliographic description.
    * Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional (ISBD) = ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description).
    * Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material antiguo (ISBD = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * descripción catalográfica = cataloguing description.
    * Descripción de Archivos Codificada (EAD) = Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
    * descripción de documentos de archivo = archival description.
    * descripción de las funciones = job description, job profile.
    * descripción del contenido = subject statement.
    * descripción del documento = document description.
    * descripción del puesto de trabajo = job description, position description, job profile.
    * descripción del solicitante = personnel description.
    * descripción de subcampo = subfield description.
    * descripción documental = document description.
    * descripción física = physical description, physical details.
    * descripción global = outline.
    * hacer una descripción = give + description.
    * ISBD(S) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Publicacio = ISBD(S) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Serials).
    * Manual de Descripción de Archivos = Manual of Archival Description (MAD).
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivos (ISAD-G) = General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)).
    * Norma Internacional para la Descripción de Archivos (ISAD) = International Standard Archival Description (ISAD).

    * * *
    hizo una fiel descripción de los hechos she gave an accurate description o account of events
    * * *


    descripción sustantivo femenino
    descripción sustantivo femenino description
    ' descripción' also found in these entries:
    - corresponderse
    - retratar
    - retrato
    - seña
    - somera
    - somero
    - viva
    - vivo
    - calificación
    - corresponder
    - detallado
    - encajar
    - exacto
    - impresionista
    - reseña
    - responder
    - sensual
    - sensualidad
    - delineate
    - description
    - exact
    - fit
    - full
    - job description
    - loose
    - match
    - sketch
    - sketchy
    - understatement
    - vivid
    - with
    - answer
    - depiction
    - job
    - portrayal
    * * *
    una descripción de los hechos an account of what happened
    * * *
    f description
    * * *
    descripción nf, pl - ciones : description
    * * *
    descripción n description

    Spanish-English dictionary > descripción

  • 18 draft

    1. noun
    1) (rough copy) (of speech) Konzept, das; (of treaty, parliamentary bill) Entwurf, der; attrib.

    draft copy/version — Konzept, das

    2) (plan of work) Skizze, die; [Bau-, Riß-]zeichnung, die
    3) (Mil.): (detaching for special duty) Sonderkommando, das; (Brit.): (those detached) Abkommandierte Pl.
    4) (Amer. Mil.): (conscription) Einberufung, die; (those conscripted) Wehrpflichtige Pl.; Einberufene Pl.
    5) (Commerc.): (cheque drawn) Wechsel, der; Tratte, die
    6) (Amer.) see academic.ru/22251/draught">draught
    2. transitive verb
    1) (make rough copy of) entwerfen
    2) (Mil.) abkommandieren
    3) (Amer. Mil.): (conscript) einberufen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) der Abriß
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) die Abteilung
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) die Abhebung
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) die Einberufung
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) abfassen
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) einziehen
    - dodge the draft
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman
    * * *
    [drɑ:ft, AM dræft]
    I. n
    1. (preliminary version) Entwurf m, SCHWEIZ a. Brouillon m
    first \draft erster Entwurf, Konzept nt
    preliminary \draft Vorentwurf m
    rough \draft Rohfassung f, Rohentwurf m
    2. no pl esp AM (military conscription) Einberufung f, Einziehung f, Aufgebot nt SCHWEIZ
    \draft card Einberufungsbescheid m, Aufgebot nt SCHWEIZ
    \draft order Einberufungsbefehl m, Aufgebot nt SCHWEIZ
    3. no pl esp AM (conscripted persons) Wehrpflichtige pl, Rekruten pl
    4. esp BRIT ECON, FIN Zahlungsanweisung f, [gezogener] Wechsel, Tratte f fachspr
    bank \draft Bankwechsel m, Banktratte f
    banker's \draft Bankscheck m
    \draft at sight Sichtwechsel m
    5. AM see draught
    II. n modifier
    1. (preliminary) Entwurfs-
    \draft budget Haushaltsentwurf m, Haushaltsvorlage f
    \draft contract Vertragsentwurf m
    \draft law Gesetzesvorlage f/-entwurf m
    \draft letter Entwurf m eines Briefes [o Schreibens]
    to be still in the \draft stages sich akk noch im Entwurfsstadium befinden
    2. esp AM (relating to military conscription) Einberufungs-, Aufgebots- SCHWEIZ
    \draft board Wehrersatzbehörde f, Musterungskommission f, Stellungskommission f ÖSTERR
    district \draft board Kreiswehrersatzamt nt, regionale Stellungskommission ÖSTERR
    \draft exemption Befreiung f vom Wehrdienst [o SCHWEIZ a. Militärdienst
    III. vt
    1. (prepare)
    to \draft sth etw entwerfen [o skizzieren]
    to \draft a bill [or law] einen Gesetzentwurf verfassen
    to \draft a contract einen Vertrag aufsetzen
    to \draft a plan einen Plan entwerfen
    to \draft a proposal einen Vorschlag ausarbeiten
    to \draft sb jdn einziehen [o einberufen]
    to \draft sb into the army jdn zum Wehrdienst einberufen
    3. SPORT, NAUT
    to \draft sth im Kielwasser von etw dat schwimmen
    draught, AM usu draft
    [drɑ:ft, AM dræft]
    I. n
    1. (air current) [Luft]zug m kein pl
    there's a \draft every time that door is opened jedes Mal, wenn die Tür aufgeht, zieht es
    to feel the \draft ( fig) in der Klemme sitzen fam
    he's feeling the \draft right now ihm geht allmählich das Geld aus
    to sit in a \draft im Zug sitzen
    a \draft of beer ein Schluck Bier
    3. PHARM ( dated) Dosis f
    on \draft vom Fass
    beer on \draft Fassbier nt, Bier nt vom Fass
    5. (of ship) Tiefgang m kein pl
    6. BRIT, AUS (game)
    \drafts pl Damespiel nt, Dame
    to play \draft Dame spielen
    II. adj attr, inv
    1. (in cask) vom Fass, Fass-
    \draft beer Bier nt vom Fass, Fassbier nt
    2. (used for pulling loads) Zug-
    \draft animal Zugtier nt
    * * *
    I (US) [drAːft]
    1) (Luft)zugm; (= through draught) Durchzugm; (for fire) Zugm

    there's a draught blowing round the back of my neck —

    open the flues to increase the draughtmach die Klappen auf, damit der Ofen mehr Zug bekommt

    2) (= swallow, drink) Zugm
    3) (= draught beer) Fassbiernt
    4) (NAUT) Tiefgangm
    5) (MED)
    6) (of fish) Fischzugm
    7) pl (Brit: game) Damespielnt; (+pl vb = pieces) Damesteinepl
    8) (= rough sketch) = draft
    = draft
    II [drAːft]
    1. n
    1) (= rough outline) Entwurfm (also Comput)
    2) (FIN, COMM) Wechselm, Trattef
    3) (MIL: group of men) Sonderkommandont
    4) (US MIL = group of conscripts) Rekrutenpl; (= conscription) Einberufung (zum Wehrdienst)
    = draught
    6) (COMPUT) Entwurfm; (printer command) Entwurfsqualitätf, Draft(druck)m
    2. vt
    1) letter, speech, bill, contract entwerfen
    2) (US MIL) conscript einziehen, einberufen (into zu)

    to draught sb to do sth (Mil) (fig) — jdn dazu abkommandieren, etw zu tun jdn beauftragen, etw zu tun

    he was draughted into the England squader wurde für die englische Nationalmannschaft aufgestellt

    3. attr (COMPUT)

    draught modeDraft-Modus m, Draftmodus m

    * * *
    draft, besonders Br (für 3, 5, 14, 22, 23) draught [drɑːft; US dræft]
    A s
    1. Skizze f, Zeichnung f
    2. Entwurf m:
    a) Skizze f (für eine künstlerische Arbeit)
    b) Riss m (für Bauten, Maschinen etc)
    c) Konzept n (für ein Schriftstück etc):
    draft agreement Vertragsentwurf;
    draft law Gesetzentwurf
    3. (Luft-, Kessel-, Ofen)Zug m:
    there is an awful draft es zieht fürchterlich;
    feel the draught Br umg den Wind im Gesicht spüren fig, in finanziellen Nöten sein;
    sit in a draft im Zug sitzen;
    protect a plant from drafts eine Pflanze vor Zugluft schützen
    4. TECH Zugreguliervorrichtung f (an einem Ofen etc)
    5. a) Ziehen n
    b) gezogene Menge oder Last
    6. fig Heranziehen n, Inanspruchnahme f, starke Beanspruchung ( alle:
    on, upon gen):
    make a draft on Hilfsmittel etc heranziehen, in Anspruch nehmen;
    make a draft on sb’s friendship jemandes Freundschaft in Anspruch nehmen
    7. Abhebung f (von Geld):
    make a draft on one’s account Geld von seinem Konto abheben
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) schriftliche Zahlungsanweisung
    b) Scheck m
    c) Tratte f, (trassierter) Wechsel
    d) Ziehung f, Trassierung f:
    draft (payable) at sight Sichttratte, -wechsel;
    make out a draft on sb auf jemanden einen Wechsel ziehen
    9. Abordnung f, Auswahl f, (von Personen)
    10. MIL US
    a) Einberufung f, Einziehung f
    b) Aufgebot n, Wehrdienstpflichtige pl
    11. MIL
    a) (Sonder)Kommando n, (abkommandierte) Abteilung
    b) Ersatz(truppe) m(f)
    12. WIRTSCH
    a) Überschlag m (der Waage)
    b) Gutgewicht n (für Verluste beim Auswiegen etc)
    13. Gießerei: Verjüngung f, Konizität f (des Modells)
    14. SCHIFF Tiefgang m
    15. draught A
    B v/t
    1. entwerfen, skizzieren, ein Schriftstück aufsetzen, abfassen
    2. (fort-, ab-, weg)ziehen
    3. Personen (zu einem bestimmten Zweck) auswählen
    4. MIL
    a) US (zum Wehrdienst) einberufen, einziehen ( into zu)
    b) Truppen abkommandieren
    5. besonders Eishockey: US einen Spieler draften, sich die Rechte sichern an (dat)
    6. Aus Schafe etc aussortieren
    C v/i besonders Automobilsport: im Windschatten fahren
    D adj
    1. Zug…:
    draft ga(u)ge TECH Zugmesser m
    2. MIL
    a) US Einberufungs…:
    draft act Rekrutierungsgesetz n;
    draft board Musterungskommission f;
    draft dodger pej Drückeberger m
    b) US einberufen
    c) abkommandiert
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (rough copy) (of speech) Konzept, das; (of treaty, parliamentary bill) Entwurf, der; attrib.

    draft copy/version — Konzept, das

    2) (plan of work) Skizze, die; [Bau-, Riß-]zeichnung, die
    3) (Mil.): (detaching for special duty) Sonderkommando, das; (Brit.): (those detached) Abkommandierte Pl.
    4) (Amer. Mil.): (conscription) Einberufung, die; (those conscripted) Wehrpflichtige Pl.; Einberufene Pl.
    5) (Commerc.): (cheque drawn) Wechsel, der; Tratte, die
    6) (Amer.) see draught
    2. transitive verb
    2) (Mil.) abkommandieren
    3) (Amer. Mil.): (conscript) einberufen
    * * *
    (US) n.
    Sichtwechsel m. (banking) n.
    Tratte -n f. (military) n.
    Einberufung f. n.
    Ausarbeitung f.
    Einziehung (Militär) f.
    Entwurf -¨e m.
    Scheck -s m.
    Skizze -n f.
    Trassierung f.
    Zahlungsanweisung f.
    Zeichnung f.
    Ziehung -en f. (into) v.
    einberufen v.
    einziehen (zu)
    (Militär) ausdr. (military) v.
    abkommandieren (Militär) v. v.
    abfassen v.
    aufsetzen (Schriftstück) v.
    auswählen v.
    entwerfen v.
    skizzieren v.

    English-german dictionary > draft

  • 19 draft

    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) udkast; kladde; skitse
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) mindre militærstyrke med specialopgave
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) anvisning; veksel
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) indkaldelse
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) lave udkast
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) indkalde
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a rough sketch or outline of something, especially written: a rough draft of my speech.) udkast; kladde; skitse
    2) (a group (of soldiers etc) taken from a larger group.) mindre militærstyrke med specialopgave
    3) (an order (to a bank etc) for the payment of money: a draft for $80.) anvisning; veksel
    4) ((American) conscription: He emigrated to avoid the draft.) indkaldelse
    2. verb
    1) (to make in the form of a rough plan: Could you draft a report on this?) lave udkast
    2) ((American) to conscript into the army etc: He was drafted into the Navy.) indkalde
    - draft dodger
    - draft evasion
    - draftsman

    English-Danish dictionary > draft

  • 20 general

    tener nociones generales de griego to have a general knowledge of Greek
    esa es la opinión general de los que no leen los periódicos that's what people who don't read the papers usually think
    por lo general, en general in general, generally
    por lo general, suelo ir en tren I generally go by train, in general I go by train
    general (military).
    general de división major general
    * * *
    1 general
    2 (común) common, usual, widespread
    1 (oficial) general
    en general in general, generally
    por lo general in general, generally
    * * *
    noun mf. adj.
    - por lo general
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=común, no detallado) general

    una visión general de los problemas del paísan overall o general view of the problems of the country


    en general —

    a) [con verbo] generally, in general

    en general, las críticas de la obra han sido favorables — generally (speaking) o in general, the play has received favourable criticism

    b) [detrás de s] in general

    literatura, música y arte en general — literature, music and the arts in general


    iban a visitarla, por lo general, dos o tres veces al año — they generally went to see her two or three times a year

    los resultados son, por lo general, bastante buenos — in general o on the whole, the results are pretty good

    SMF (Mil) general
    SM (Rel) general
    4. SF
    1) (tb: carretera general)
    Esp main road
    2) (tb: clasificación general) (Ciclismo) general classification
    * * *
    a) (no específico, global) general

    en general — on the whole, in general

    por lo general: por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine; por lo general prefiero ir en auto — in general I prefer to drive

    masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    * * *
    a) (no específico, global) general

    en general — on the whole, in general

    por lo general: por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine; por lo general prefiero ir en auto — in general I prefer to drive

    masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    * * *
    1 = general.
    Nota: Nombre.

    Ex: It should not be assumed that this has got to be a semiformal talk, followed by a few halfhearted questions: a kind of general's visit to the barracks.

    * como norma general = as a general rule.

    2 = all-embracing, broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], comprehensive, general, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], sweeping, ubiquitous, umbrella, widespread, pervasive, blanket, all-encompassing, broadly based, wide-ranging [wide ranging], overriding, broad-based [broad based], wide-scale, overarching, received, epidemic, pandemic, wide-angle(d), generalised [generalized, -USA], embracing, encompassing.

    Ex: Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.

    Ex: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.
    Ex: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is whether the data base is comprehensive or not.
    Ex: Nevertheless, the fact that these general lists cannot serve for every application has triggered a search for more consistent approaches.
    Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex: Such a statement of objectives may appear narrowly defined in its practices and yet, at the same time, rather sweeping in its assumptions.
    Ex: Worldwide, however, the printed book is still the most ubiquitous source of record = Sin embargo, el libro impreso es aún en todo el mundo la fuente de información escrita más común.
    Ex: This article describes how an ' umbrella licence' was obtained covering a group of libraries within the region.
    Ex: Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.
    Ex: The unease is pervasive, not an occasional outcropping of discontent.
    Ex: Likert in no way attempts to make a blanket prescription for employee-centered supervisory styles.
    Ex: In publishing itself there is little use made of the all-encompassing schemes such as Dewey or the Library of Congress.
    Ex: Library schools are offering broadly based courses with increasing emphasis on technology and information systems, but practising librarians still need the traditional skills.
    Ex: The contents of this handbook are comprehensive and wide-ranging.
    Ex: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex: However, the organisation is well on its way to becoming a broad-based provider of databases and end-user oriented information services in all areas of engineering.
    Ex: Without the stimuli of cooperative agencies, many programmes such as wide-scale interlibrary loan would not have developed so rapidly.
    Ex: There appears to be an unhealthy tendency among information technology professionals to elevate any single, highly successful practical experience instantly into an overarching paradigm for managerial success.
    Ex: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature' = El artículo se titula "El síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) y el crecimiento exponencial de su literatura".
    Ex: Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.
    Ex: Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.
    Ex: Although it is coy about admitting the fact it is only mentioned twice in the whole of the thirty pages of publicity material it is in effect a generalized and modernized Thesaurofacet: a facetted classification with a thesaurus structure forming an integral part.
    Ex: What is needed is an embracing approach to guarantee freedom for Palestine and legitimacy for Israel.
    Ex: By drawing Russia into an encompassing coalition with Europe and other powers, the risk of conflict will be diminished.
    * abogado general = advocate-general.
    * Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT) = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    * anestesia general = general anaesthesia.
    * asamblea general = general assembly.
    * biblioteca general = general library.
    * como norma general = as a general rule of thumb, as a rough guide.
    * consenso general = general consensus.
    * creencia general = conventional wisdom.
    * criterio general = rule of thumb.
    * dar una idea general = paint + a broad picture.
    * de aplicación general = general-purpose, of general application.
    * de forma general = bulk.
    * de interés general = of general interest.
    * de lo general a lo particular = from the general to the particular.
    * de lo particular a lo general = from the particular to the general.
    * de propósito general = general-purpose.
    * describir en líneas generales = outline.
    * desde un punto de vista general = in a broad sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * designación general de la clase de documento = general material designation.
    * de tipo general = broad scoped.
    * de un modo muy general = crudely.
    * de utilidad general = all-purpose.
    * director general = senior director.
    * elección general = general election.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en líneas generales = broadly speaking, generally, on the whole, in basic outline, roughly speaking, as a rough guide.
    * ensayo general = dress rehearsal.
    * en su sentido más general = in its/their broadest sense.
    * en términos generales = in broad terms, generally speaking.
    * en un sentido general = in a broad sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * esquema general = outline.
    * gobernador general = Governor General.
    * hablando en términos generales = loosely speaking.
    * idea general = rough idea.
    * índice general = general index.
    * informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras = road report.
    * instrucción general = blanket instruction.
    * interés general = public interest.
    * la comunidad en general = the community at large.
    * la sociedad en general = society at large.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * norma general = rule of thumb.
    * Norma General Internacional para la Descripción de Archivvos (ISAD-G) = General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)).
    * opinión general = consensus of opinion, conventional wisdom.
    * opinión general, la = received wisdom, the.
    * parálisis general = general paresis.
    * población en general, la = general population, the.
    * por lo general = on the whole, all in all, in general, generally, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * público en general = broader audience, broad audience, broad public, broader public.
    * público en general, el = general public, the.
    * Secretaría General = Secretariat.
    * ser de uso general = be generally available.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme.
    * Sistema General de Ordenación (SGO) = Broad System of Ordering (BSO).
    * una guía general = a rough guide.
    * una idea general = a rough guide.

    * * *
    1 (no específico, global) general
    el estado general del enfermo the patient's general condition
    temas de interés general subjects of general interest
    el pronóstico general del tiempo para mañana the general weather forecast for tomorrow
    el país está pasando una crisis a nivel general the country as a whole is going through a crisis
    me habló del proyecto en líneas generales she gave me a broad outline of the project
    un panorama general de la situación an overall view o an overview of the situation
    tiene nociones generales de informática he has a general idea about information technology
    2 ( en locs):
    en general on the whole, in general
    ¿qué tal el viaje? — en general bien how was the trip? — good, on the whole
    en general prefiero el vino blanco on the whole o in general, I prefer white wine
    el público en general the general public
    ¿qué te molesta de él? — todo en general y nada en particular what don't you like about him? — everything and nothing
    por lo general: por lo general los domingos nos levantamos tarde we usually o generally get up late on Sundays
    por lo general llega a las nueve she usually o generally arrives at nine, she arrives at nine as a rule
    por lo general prefiero una novela a un ensayo in general I prefer novels to essays
    generales fpl ( Esp) ( Pol) general elections
    1 ( Mil) general
    2 ( Relig) general
    (en el ejército) ≈ major general, brigadier general ( in US), brigadier ( in UK); (en las fuerzas aéreas) ≈ brigadier general ( in US), ≈ air commodore ( in UK)
    (en el ejército) ≈ major general; (en las fuerzas aéreas) ≈ major general ( in US), ≈ air vice marshal ( in UK)
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    Gral. sustantivo masculino (
    General) Gen.

    general adjetivo
    a) (no específico, global) general;

    hablando en líneas generales broadly speaking;
    un panorama general de la situación an overall view of the situation
    b) ( en locs)

    el público en general the general public;
    por lo general as a (general) rule
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino (Mil) general
    I adjetivo general
    director general, general manager, director-general
    huelga general, general strike
    secretario general, Secretary-General
    II m Mil Rel general
    ♦ Locuciones: por lo o en general, in general, generally
    ' general' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - anestesia
    - asesinar
    - bachillerato
    - bien
    - camino
    - capitán
    - capitana
    - cerrarse
    - CGPJ
    - ciudad
    - comida
    - cuartel
    - decretar
    - desbandada
    - DGT
    - economía
    - EGB
    - el
    - elección
    - enferma
    - enfermo
    - ensayo
    - entre
    - error
    - esperar
    - fiscal
    - golpista
    - gral.
    - huelga
    - ladrón
    - ladrona
    - lata
    - lista
    - LOGSE
    - mayoría
    - nombrar
    - panorama
    - parecerse
    - piso
    - policlínica
    - política
    - protesta
    - pública
    - público
    - regalar
    - regla
    - sazón
    - secretaría
    - all-out
    - as
    - Attorney General
    - backdrop
    - blanket
    - booze
    - bosom
    - breast
    - buck
    - crime
    - current
    - disheveled
    - dishevelled
    - dress
    - dress rehearsal
    - dry run
    - education
    - election
    - GATT
    - GCE
    - GCSE
    - general
    - general anaesthetic
    - general assembly
    - general election
    - general knowledge
    - general practice
    - general practitioner
    - general public
    - generally
    - GP
    - GPO
    - headquarters
    - HQ
    - large
    - main
    - managing
    - master
    - mobilize
    - most
    - opposite
    - outline
    - overall
    - overview
    - Postmaster General
    - practitioner
    - prevailing
    - public
    - quash
    * * *
    1. [común] general;
    sólo tengo unas nociones muy generales de griego I only have a very general knowledge of Greek;
    esa es la opinión general de los que no leen los periódicos that's what people who don't read the papers usually think;
    mi valoración general es negativa my overall opinion of it is negative
    2. [en frases]
    por lo general, en general in general, generally;
    los candidatos, en general, estaban muy cualificados the candidates were generally very well qualified, in general, the candidates were very well qualified;
    en general el clima es seco on the whole, the climate is dry, the climate is generally dry;
    ¿qué tal te va la vida? – en general, no me puedo quejar how's life treating you? – I can't complain, on the whole;
    por lo general, suelo ir en tren I generally go by train, in general I go by train
    Mil general general de brigada Br brigadier, US brigadier general;
    general de división major general
    Dep [clasificación] overall standings;
    con su victoria se ha puesto segunda en la general her victory has moved her up to second place in the overall standings
    * * *
    I adj general;
    en general in general;
    por lo general usually, generally
    II m general
    * * *
    general adj
    1) : general
    por lo general : in general, generally
    general nmf
    1) : general
    general de división : major general
    * * *
    general1 adj general
    general2 n (militar) general

    Spanish-English dictionary > general

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